7. Dimension assets Arcturians are highly developed in the medical field. Healers are known for their direction. There are different types. Blue, psoriasis and white breeds, short and tall. . The short example is the Master Yoda in the Star Wars series. Because of their Philosophical and spiritual point of view to being, They are chosing people with shamanic characteristics for communication in humans. They are actbackground-color: whiteively engaged in maintaining the Earth's spiritual balance. They have been striving for thousands of years to protect the human race. Sirians helped to them for this saving. Sirians very important allied for the arcturians. But, people ignore them. But in spite of everything, universal kindness and love act with the principle of protecting the whole, and they care about the 3rd dimensional human reactions only to heal.
During my contacts with my Arcturian guides, the most intense emotions that I feel are the energy of unrequited love, gratitude and love of mother, because of their high frequencies. It is like the wings of light created from the love and compassion that surround you.
Although the energy of love reflected by these beings is far below the love of Allah for His worshipers, the energy transmitted by these higher-consciousness beings literally dissolves the human being and inevitably tears from the eyes become inevitable as the most effective way of completing this happy and peaceful feeling.
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